The Transaction Details view is accessible from various reports, including the Transactions menu option and Reports: Pending Transactions, Batch History, Settled Transactions Lookup, and Dispute History. The view provides an up-to-date status of a transaction.
The view is broken into four parts:
Section 1: Provides a lifecycle diagram view of the transaction status. The color of each icon is orange when a stage is still in process and green when the stage is complete. The transaction stages are: Authorized, Settled, Deposit Sent, Refunded, Disputed, and Adjustments. A transaction may not complete all of the stages.
Section 2: Summary: Provides at-a-glance important data for a transaction. View the Transaction Detail Summary table for a definition of the labels.
Section 3: Actions: Actions are available to the right of the Summary. The action options are only available for transactions processed through our Virtual Terminal, Payment Gateway, Checkout, Recurring Billing, or Invoicing products. Which actions are available depends on what stage a transaction is in. Void and Capture are available for Authorized transactions with an Authorized status, and Void is available for transactions with a Settled status. For transactions with the status of Deposit Sent, a Refund action is available. Regardless of the transaction status, you can always select View Receipt to print or email receipts to additional recipients.
Section 4: Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Note that the color of the tabs is orange when a stage is still in process and green when the stage is complete. The transaction stages are: Authorized, Settled, Deposit Sent, Refunded, Disputed, and Adjustments. The tabs in this section provide a view of the associated data:
Authorized tab: Displays the authorization transaction data. View the Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Authorized tab table for a definition of the labels in this section. Suppose you are processing transactions with an API. In that case, you can select and view the Transaction Log detailing the Request URI, Request, and Response at the bottom of the Authorized tab.
Settled tab: Displays the settled transaction data. View the Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Settled tab table for a definition of the fields in this section.
Deposit tab: Displays the deposit information. View the Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Deposit tab table for a definition of the fields in this section.
Refunded tab: Displays the refunded information. View the Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Refunded tab table for a definition of the fields in this section.
Disputed tab: Displays dispute information. View the Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Disputed tab table for a definition of the fields in this section. The table contains the Dispute Data, Original Transaction Data, and any Related Cases. The related cases provide all disputes that correlate with the original transaction.
Adjustment tab: Displays associated adjustments correlated with the disputed information for a transaction. View the Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Adjustment tab table for a definition of the fields in this section.
Section 2 - Transaction Detail Summary
Field | Description |
Merchant ID | Your merchant ID. |
DBA Name | The "Doing Business As Name." Listed on your account. Primarily viewable for consolidated accounts. |
Account Number | Masked account number. The format for credit cards is 123456xxxxxx1234. Format for ACH payments is xxxxxxxxxxxx1234. |
Payment Type | Payment types are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or ACH payment. |
Source | The source of the transaction is the product originating a transaction. Options are Virtual Terminal, Subscription, Checkout, Invoicing, or Payment Gateway. |
Payment Gateway ID | Only available when processing through our Virtual Terminal, Payment Gateway, Checkout, Recurring Billing, and Invoicing products. The Payment Gateway ID uniquely identifies a transaction. |
Acquirer Reference Number | An 11-digit number. Generated by the product initiating the transaction. It is a unique number that both the acquirer and the issuer can use to identify a transaction, available after when the transaction is settled. The acquirer reference number is used as the deposit reference number for chargeback adjustments. You can use this number to search the Dispute History and Transactions reports for the correlating dispute or initial transaction. |
Requestor Login ID | Only available when processing through our Virtual Terminal, Payment Gateway, Recurring Billing, and Invoicing products. Displays the login name used at the time the transaction was processed. |
Purchase ID | The purchase ID, sometimes referred to as the invoice ID, is input by you at the time of a transaction. The value may appear on the customer statement and can be used for reconciliation purposes. This value is system generated when transactions are initiated by our Recurring Billing and Invoicing products. |
Subscription ID | This unique identifier is assigned to a subscription. The subscription ID cannot be modified. |
Customer ID | This unique identifier is assigned to a customer by you or your team. Once entered, the customer ID cannot be modified. Select the ID name to view the customer record. Customer records are available if you have enabled Customer Vault. |
Transaction Amount | The amount of the transaction in the processed currency. |
Section 4: Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Authorized tab
Field | Description |
Status | The current status of the transaction. The status of the transaction will change during its lifecycle. |
Authorization Time | The date and time the transaction was authorized. |
Authorization Code | A five or six-digit number. Generated by the issuing bank to validate a credit card when it is approved for the sale of a good or service. |
Authorized Amount | The authorized amount is displayed in the processed transaction currency. It reduces the open-to-buy available for a customer to make additional purchases. |
Currency | The currency type of a transaction. |
Authorization Tran ID | Unique ID returned by the issuing bank for an electronically authorized transaction. |
Authorization AVS Result | The AVS result received from the issuing bank at the time of the initial transaction. |
Authorization CVV Result | The CVV2 result received from the issuing bank at the time of the initial transaction. |
Authorization RRN | The Authorization Retrieval Reference Number (RRN) is a unique identifier assigned by an acquirer to an authorization. |
Authorization Response Code | The response code received for a transaction. Additional responses are supported for our Virtual Terminal, Payment Gateway, Checkout, Recurring Billing, and Invoicing products. |
Purchasing Card Information | Information is available when a transaction is processed with additional fields required for purchase cards. You can add multiple line items, and these fields do not impact the total transaction amount. The fields are: Tax amount - The tax amount collected. Description - Description of the product or service sold. Cost - The cost per unit of the product or service. Unit - The unit of measure (i.e., Gallons, Pounds, Liters, Ounces, etc.) used. Quantity - The number or count of the product or service. Product Code - The code used to identify a product or service within your accounting or customer relationship management system. Debit credit indicator - An indicator to identify whether the credit card is a debit card (D) or a credit card (C). Commodity code - A standard international description of the overall goods or services being supplied. |
Section 4: Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Settled tab
Field | Description |
Transaction Status | The current status of the transaction. The status of the transaction will change during its lifecycle. |
Transaction Date | The date the transaction was authorized. |
Settled Date | The date the transaction was settled. |
Captured Amount | The amount of the transaction that was captured. This amount may be equal to or less than the authorization amount. |
Batch Number | A system-generated number to identify your batches. A batch will include all settled transactions within a clearing day. The clearing day is defined as transactions settled between the previous day's batch close time to today's batch close time. |
Batch Status | Closed - Batch has closed. |
Payment Gateway ID | Only available when processing through our Virtual Terminal, Payment Gateway, Recurring Billing, and Invoicing products. The Payment Gateway ID uniquely identifies a transaction. |
Section 4: Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Deposit tab
Field | Description |
Transaction Status | The current status of the transaction. The status of the transaction will change during its lifecycle. |
ACH Status | Deposit Sent. |
ACH Post Date | The date a deposit, adjustment, or fee item is sent to your deposit (DDA) account. |
ACH Reference Number | A unique reference number. Generated for each deposit made to your checking account. The acquirer reference number is used for the deposit reference number for chargeback adjustments. You can use this number to search the Dispute History and Transactions reports for the correlating dispute or initial transaction. |
Section 4: Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Refunded tab
Field | Description |
Transaction Status | The current status of the transaction. The status of the transaction will change during its lifecycle. |
Transaction Date | The date the transaction was authorized. |
Settled Date | The date the transaction was settled. |
Captured Amount | The amount of the transaction that was refunded (may be different from the original transaction amount). |
Batch Status | Closed - Batch has closed |
Payment Gateway ID | Only available when processing through our Virtual Terminal, Payment Gateway, Recurring Billing, and Invoicing products. The Payment Gateway ID uniquely identifies a transaction. |
Section 4: Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Disputed tab
Dispute Data
Field | Description |
Control Number | The unique number associated with each dispute received. One transaction may receive multiple disputes. |
Merchant ID | Your merchant ID. |
DBA Name | The "Doing Business As Name." Listed on your account. Primarily viewable for consolidated accounts. |
MCC | A Merchant Category Code (MCC) is a four-digit number listed in ISO 18245. The code is used to classify your business by the type of goods or services provided. |
Dispute Type | The type of dispute. |
Incoming Date | The date the card issuer initiates the dispute. |
Account Number | Masked account number. The format for credit cards is 123456xxxxxx1234. |
Payment Type | The types are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover. |
Card Brand Reference Number | A reference number. Assigned by Visa and Discover to identify a dispute case throughout its lifecycle. |
Issuer Reference Number | A reference number. Assigned by the issuing bank to identify a unique dispute. Discover's Issuer Reference Number and the Card Brand Reference Number are the same. This number is only available for American Express disputes when the dispute type is a Retrieval. |
Dispute Amount | The amount that is being disputed (may be different than the original transaction amount). |
Dispute Status | The status of a dispute. |
Dispute Status Date | The date the current status was applied to a dispute. |
Reason Code | Explains the reason for a dispute. |
Warning Bulletin | A warning bulletin indicates that the credit card number is on a list of cards that are reported stolen, canceled, or compromised somehow. A "Yes" indicates that this card was included in a Warning Bulletin. |
Original Transaction Data
Field | Description |
Transaction Date | The date the transaction was authorized. |
Original Account Number | Masked account number. The format for credit cards is 123456xxxxxx1234. |
Batch Number | A system-generated number to identify your batches. |
Transaction Amount | The amount of the transaction in the processed currency. |
Currency | The currency type of a transaction. |
Reference Number | A 23-digit number. Generated by the product initiating the transaction. It is a number that the acquirer and the issuer can use to identify a transaction. |
Acquirer Reference Number | An 11-digit number. Generated by the product initiating the transaction. It is available after the transaction is settled and is a unique number that both the acquirer and the issuer can use to identify a transaction. The acquirer reference number is used as the deposit reference number for chargeback adjustments. You can use this number to search the Dispute History and Transactions for the correlating dispute or initial transaction. |
Purchase ID | The purchase ID, sometimes referred to as the invoice ID, is input by you at the time of a transaction. The value may appear on the cardholder statement and can be used for reconciliation purposes. This value is system-generated when transactions are initiated by our Recurring Billing and Invoicing products. |
Authorization Code | A five or six-digit number. Generated by the Issuing Bank to validate a credit card whenever it is approved for the sale of a good or service. |
Authorization Tran ID | Unique ID returned by the issuing bank for an electronically authorized transaction. |
AVS Result | The AVS result received from the issuing bank at the time of the initial transaction. |
CVV2 Result | The CVV2 result received from the issuing bank at the time of the initial transaction. |
MOTO/eComm Ind | The Mail-Order Telephone-Order (MOTO) / e-Commerce indicator is sent with each transaction by the payment gateway. This indicates to the card brands the type of card-not-present transaction. Below is the full list of indicators: 0 - Card Present (not MOTO/e-Commerce) |
POS Entry Mode | A 2-digit code. Determined by the product initiating the transaction and used to inform the issuer about how the credit card data was entered. |
Foreign Card Ind | Foreign Card Indicator will show whether a credit card was issued in the merchant's country. The letter F will appear only when the card is foreign. |
Merchant Reference | A value created and input by you during the transaction; can be used for reconciliation purposes. |
Payment Gateway ID | Only available when processing through our Virtual Terminal, Payment Gateway, Recurring Billing, and Invoicing products. The Payment Gateway ID uniquely identifies a transaction. |
Related Cases
Field | Description |
Control Number | The unique number associated with each dispute received. One transaction may receive multiple disputes. |
Incoming Date | The date the card issuer initiates the dispute. |
Type | The type of dispute. |
Reason Code | Explains the reason for a dispute. |
Account Number | Masked account number. The format for credit cards is 123456xxxxxx1234. |
Acquirer Reference Number | An 11-digit number. Generated by the product initiating the transaction. The number is available when the transaction is settled. It is a unique number that both the acquirer and the issuer can use to identify a transaction. The acquirer reference number is used as the deposit reference number for chargeback adjustments. You can use this number to search the Dispute History and Transactions for the correlating dispute or initial transaction. |
Amount | The amount that is being disputed (may be different from the original transaction amount). |
Section 4: Transaction Lifecycle Status Data: Adjustments tab
Field | Description |
Settle Date | The date the transaction was settled. |
Transaction Code | The Transaction Code identifies the reason for the adjustment: 9071 - Dispute/chargeback 9077 - Dispute/chargeback Reversal 9078 - DDA (Direct Deposit Account) Adjustment |
Description | Description of adjustments: Chargeback Chargeback Reversal DDA (Direct Deposit Account) Adjustment Adjustments can either be debits or credits. |
Reference Number | A unique number. Generated for each adjustment made to your deposit account. For disputes, this reference number is the acquirer reference number. You can use the acquirer reference number to search the Dispute History and Transactions for correlating disputes or initial transactions. |
Amount | The dollar value of the adjustment. The amount can either be debit or credit. |