Popular Articles

  1. Customer Invoice History

    How to view a customer's invoice history for invoices created using Invoicing.
  2. ACH Payments By Mail (PPD/CCD)

    Information on the requirements for taking an ACH payment by mail.
  3. ACH Payment NACHA WEB Debit Account Validation Rule

    Overview of the NACHA requirement for ACH verification.
  4. Review Cards On Hold

    How to view cards on hold in account updater.
  5. Cancel An Invoice

    How to cancel an invoice that was created using Invoicing.
  6. Embedded Fields Overview

    Overview of Embedded Fields.
  7. Release A Card On Hold

    How to release a card on hold in Account Updater.
  8. Download An Invoice In PDF

    How to download an invoice to PDF that was created using Invoicing.
  9. Resend An Invoice

    How to resend an invoice that was created using Invoicing.
  10. Surcharges and Convenience Fees by Location

    Information on if surcharge or convenience fees are allowed based on the customer's location.