Updated Articles

  1. ACH Payment Return Rates and Thresholds

    Information about ACH Payment Return Rates and Thresholds.
  2. ACH Payments By Mail (PPD/CCD)

    Information on the requirements for taking an ACH payment by mail.
  3. ACH Payments By Telephone (TEL/CCD)

    Information on the requirements for taking an ACH payment by phone.
  4. ACH Payments On The Internet (WEB/CCD)

    Information on the requirements for taking an ACH payment over the internet.
  5. Surcharges and Convenience Fees by Location

    Information on if surcharge or convenience fees are allowed based on the customer's location.
  6. Surcharges and How They Work

    Information on surcharges and how they work.
  7. How To Register For Surcharging With The Card Brands

    Information on how to register with the card brands for surcharging.
  8. Locate A Subscription

    How to locate a subscription.
  9. Payment Profiles And Settings

    Information on settings for Payment Profiles.
  10. Embedded Fields Configuration

    Information on configuring Embedded Fields.