
You can set up your account to automatically send email receipts to your customers whenever a transaction is processed. Sending receipts to a customer at the time of payment is a good practice. You can resend a receipt at any time by locating the transaction in the Transactions report. 

We support different email receipt profiles which match a Payment Profile. Our Payment Gateway and Checkout support the Profile ID passing to identify which email receipt profile to use. This is a useful feature when supporting multiple product brands on the same account.

Receipt Configuration

To configure your receipts for our products - Checkout, Virtual Terminal, Payment Gateway, Invoicing, or Recurring Billing:

  1. Go to Administration.
  2. Click Settings and then the Receipts tab. 

The initial Receipt Profile is the Default profile in use by all products. By default, we have prefilled minimal information, just in case you start sending receipts before configuring this section for your account.

You can customize the table's attributes below and select Save Receipt Profile in the Receipts tab.

To create an additional Receipt Profile:

  1. Click New Receipt Profile.
  2. Enter a Receipt Label for your reference.
  3. Select one or more Payment Profiles from the Payment Profiles drop-down.
  4. Customize the attributes in the table below and select Create Receipt Profile.

Once a new Receipt Profile is created, you can switch between the available profiles using the drop-down on the Receipts page's top left-hand side. When viewing a Receipt Profile other than the default, you will have the option to change the status from Active to Disabled.

From Name
Your name as you would like it to appear in your customer’s inbox.
Header Address
City and State are required
This address will appear in the receipt header. The city and state are required at a minimum.
Header Phone Number
This phone number will appear in the receipt header. This phone number should be a customer service number for payment inquiries.
Header email Address
This email address will appear in the receipt header. This email address should be a customer service email for payment inquiries.
Reply to email Address
If your customer replies to an emailed receipt, we will populate the "To" address with this email address.
Header Website Address
This website address will appear in the receipt header.
Footer Text
This footer will appear at the bottom of your receipt. It may contain information about your return policy or other terms and conditions.
Sub Footer Text
This footer will appear below the footer text in a smaller font.
Display Line Items
If you include line items with your transaction, you can optionally display them on the receipt.
Display Billing Information
When a complete billing address, including street address, city, state, and zip code, is submitted with the transaction, you can optionally display it on your customer’s receipt.
Display Shipping Information
When a complete shipping address, including street address, city, state, and zip code, is submitted with the transaction, you can optionally display it on your customer’s receipt.
Display Merchant Reference Number
Display the merchant reference number on the receipt.
Display Purchase ID
Display the Purchase ID on the receipt.
Display Payment Gateway ID
Display the Payment Gateway ID on the receipt.
Receipt Logo
Upload your company logo for your receipts. Receipt logos should be 180-600px wide, and 90px in height. Receipt logos also should be in png format and be less than 2M.

NOTE: City, State, and Country are required to comply with card brand rules.

Configure When to Send Customer Receipts

To configure if your customer is sent a receipt - Checkout, Virtual Terminal, Invoicing, or Recurring Billing

  1. Select Administration from the main menu.
  2. Click Notifications, then select the Receipts tab.
  3. Select Virtual TerminalInvoiceCheckout, or Subscription to configure receipts for each product.
  4. Set the toggle for Email receipt to your customer to green on each product tab you wish to send your customer a receipt.

Note: You will only see receipt configuration options for products you have enabled on your account. Contact our support team to have additional products enabled for your account. 

Some of these settings can be overridden at the time of the transaction. For example, you can choose to send an email receipt when you process each Virtual Terminal transaction instead of enabling the receipt toggle in the Notifications tab.

Configure When to Send Yourself Copy of Receipts - Virtual Terminal

To configure if you are sent a copy of the receipts for Virtual Terminal:

  1. Select Administration from the main menu. 
  2. Click Notifications, then select the Receipts tab. 
  3. Select the Virtual Terminal tab. 
  4. In the Send me a copy section, select the transaction type you would like a copy of a receipt for by clicking the toggle, so it is green.
  5. Enter the email address(es) that you would like to receive copies of the receipt and then click Add Email.
  6. Continue until all transaction types you would like to configure are completed.
  7. Click Save Receipts to save the changes made.

Configure When to Send Yourself Copy of Receipts - Checkout, Invoicing, or Recurring Billing

To configure if you are sent a copy of the receipts for Checkout, Invoicing, or Recurring Billing:

  1. Select Administration from the main menu. 
  2. Click Notifications, then select the Receipts tab. 
  3. Select Invoice, Checkout, or Subscription to configure receipts for each product. 
  4. Enter the email address(es) that you would like to receive copies of the receipt in Send me a copy, and then click Add Email.
  5. Click Save Receipts to save the changes made.

Send Receipt at the Time of a Transaction - Virtual Terminal

To send a receipt to your customer while processing a transaction through our Virtual Terminal:

  1. Select New Transaction.
  2. Click on Sale, Authorization, Force, or Credit.
  3. In the Customer Information section, add the email address where you want to send the receipt.
  4. Click Yes next to Send Receipt?.

NOTE: Once the transaction is processed, the receipt will be automatically sent. You can only send a receipt to one email address using this method. This method will override your settings in the Receipts settings under Administration. 

Send An Email Or Print A Receipt 

To email or print a receipt after you have processed a transaction with any of our products - Virtual Terminal, Payment Gateway, Invoicing, or Recurring Billing:

  1. Select Transactions from the main menu.
  2. Click on the transaction that you want to send the receipt.
  3. Scroll down to the Actions section.
  4. Click View Receipt. The receipt provides the option to either email or print.
  5. Select Email and enter the email address. Then click Add Email. You can add more than one email address in this section by repeating this step. Click Send Receipt.
  6. Select Print to view your print window.

How To View A Receipt

To view a transaction receipt for any of our products - Virtual Terminal, Payment Gateway, Invoicing, or Recurring Billing:

  1. Select Transactions from the main menu.
  2. Click on the transaction that you want to view a receipt.
  3. Scroll down to the Actions section on the right.
  4. Click View Receipt. The receipt provides the option to either email or print.