The Dispute Dashboard, available by selecting Disputes in Merchant Manager, provides an overview of your account or group of accounts from the previous three billing months and the current month. The dashboard provides quick links to manage new disputes and graphs to help understand the transaction timeline in relation to a dispute, list disputes by category, and show the current status of first-time dispute responses.
The dashboard sections are:
- All New Cases, located on the upper left-hand side, provide a total count of all new disputes. Select the number to view a report of all new disputes.
- The Quick Links area, located on the left-hand side, provides a quick visual count of new dispute types and links to a report to view and work all new disputes. In addition, select:
- Dispute Status Changes to view all disputes with a changed status in the last seven days.
- Rebuttal Statistics to view a summary of the last three calendar months, and the current month, providing insight into the number of responses by count and amount. Select a row to view the detail by the status of the count and amount.
Use the dispute notification email to track new dispute types and understand when to log in and view the Dispute Dashboard. Alternatively, use a Webhook or the Dispute API to GET disputes.
- Activity by Month provides a tabular view of the previous three months and the current month’s trending data. Shown by the number of sales, sales volume, credits volume, number of disputes, disputes volume, dispute ratio count, dispute ratio amount, and average ticket. The data provided is based on billing rather than a calendar month.
- Graphs display, by default, the last 90 days of data. Change the data viewed between 60 and 180 days by selecting the appropriate option above the graphs.
- Days to Dispute graph displays a distributed bar graph of days from transaction to the first-time dispute by count.
- Disputes by Category doughnut illustrates reason code categories for first-time disputes by count.
- Rebuttal by Status graph provides a bar graph displaying first-time dispute status by count.
Note: If you do not have access to view, manage, or respond to disputes in Merchant Manager, contact your account administrator to update your user access permissions.