1099-K Report

Go to Reports and then select 1099-K.

There are three sections to the 1099-K report: a list of 1099-K forms available to view, detail by month for the year selected, and detail by day for the month selected. Use the filters to locate a specific year’s 1099-K form. 

See how to reconcile your 1099-K or the FAQ for more information on 1099-K.

Note: If you do not have access to the 1099-K report and would like access, please see the administrator for your account.

1099-K Summary Table 

Report Field
Tax Year
Year for which the 1099-K form was generated.
Merchant ID
Your Merchant ID.
DBA Name
The “Doing Business As” name on file for your business.
Legal Name
The Legal Name of your company as was filed with the IRS.
Tax ID
The Tax ID can be a Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Tax Identification (EIN), depending on the business type filed with the IRS.
Date Generated
The date the 1099-K form was generated for viewing on the Merchant Manager.
$ Sales
The total dollar amount of sales (in USD) processed on your account for the year.
Description of the 1099-K form. The descriptions are IRS-Draft (have not yet been filed with the IRS), Replaced (a newer version of this 1099-K exists due to corrections), or IRS-Current (version filed to the IRS).
A link to the 1099-K form.

1099-K Monthly Detail Table 

Report Field
Month of the year.
# CP Sales
Total number of CP (Card Present) sales processed on your account for the month.
$ CP Sales
Total dollar amount of CP sales (in USD) processed on your account for the month.
# CNP Sales
Total number of CNP (Card Not Present) sales processed on your account for the month.
$ CNP Sales
Total dollar amount of CNP sales (in USD) processed on your account for the month.
# Sales
Total number of sales processed on your account for the month.
$ Sales
Total dollar amount of sales (in USD) processed on your account for the month.

1099-K Detail By Day Table 

Report Field
Transaction Date
Date of the month.
# CP Sales
Total number of CP (Card Present) sales processed on your account for the day.
$ CP Sales
Total dollar amount of CP sales (in USD) processed on your account for the day.
# CNP Sales
Total number of CNP (Card Not Present) sales processed on your account for the day.
$ CNP Sales
Total dollar amount of CNP sales (in USD) processed on your account for the day.
# Sales
Total number of sales processed on your account for the day.
$ Sales
Total dollar amount of sales (in USD) processed on your account for the day.