Share A Saved Report

On the Dashboard, click Configure Favorites in the Favorite Reports box. Here you will view the Managed Saved Reports table. View any of the saved reports listed. 

To share a report:

  1. Select the report to share, and click the Load icon to view the report.
  2. Click Share at the top right of the report.
  3. View the Share Report window and start typing the names of any users who have unique access to your account. Select a user, one at a time, whom you want to share the report with from the drop-down menu. 
  4. Once you have selected all the users you would like to share the report with, click Share Report.

Note: There is no limit to how many users you can share a report with. Sharing reports is limited to users who have unique access to your account.

The selected users receive an email alerting them to the new saved report, and when they log in, they will now have the report listed in their Saved Reports list. They can load the report, add it as a favorite on their dashboard, or delete the saved report from their view.

Note: If a report is shared with a user and they delete it from their view, it only removes the access from that user. It does not affect the other users with whom the report was shared or the user who created the saved report.