ACH Payment and Validation Response Codes

Any ACH sale or authorization request will return the response from the NACHA-approved third-party in the auth code field. Details of the ACH auth codes are available in the Authorization Code Responses table.

ACH payment and verification requests can receive a failure with a reason code (rcode) of 119 ACH payment data is invalid. Additional descriptive information will be appended at the end of “ACH payment data is invalid.” Details of the invalid detailed codes and descriptions are in the ACH Response Code 119 Detailed Code and Descriptions table.

Authorization Code Responses

ACH Auth CodesDescriptionDefinitionResponse Is Considered
2222Pass AMEXAMEX Cheque – The account was found to be an open and valid American Express account.Ok
3333Pass NPPNon-Participant Provider – This account was reported with acceptable, positive data found in recent or current transactions.Ok
5555Pass SAVSavings Account Verified – The savings account was found to be an open and valid account.Ok
7777Pass AVAccount Verified – The checking account was found to be open and have a positive history.Ok
8888Pass SAVSavings Account Verified – The savings account was found to be open and have a positive history.Ok
9999Pass NPPThis account was reported with acceptable, positive data found in recent transactions. Positive history exists for multiple transactions.Ok
GN01Negative DataNegative information was found.Ok
GN05Unassigned Routing NumberThe routing number supplied is reported as not assigned to a financial institution.Decline
GP01Private Bad Checks List - VariableThe value for Details will vary depending on the value set for CheckReject reason in the Private Bad Checks List.Ok
GS01Invalid Routing NumberThe routing number supplied did not match the format of a valid routing number.Decline
GS02Invalid Account NumberThe account number supplied did not match the format of a valid account number.Decline
GS03Invalid Check NumberThe check number supplied did not match the format of a valid check number.Decline
GS04Invalid AmountThe amount supplied did not match the format of a valid amount.Decline
ND00No DataNo positive or negative information has been reported on the account. This could be a small or regional bank that does not report.Ok
ND01No Data - US Government OnlyNo positive or negative information has been reported on the account. This routing number can only be valid for US Government financial institutions. Please verify this item with its issuing authority.Ok
RT00No Information FoundThe routing number appears to be accurate however no positive or negative information has been reported on the account. Please contact the customer to ensure that the correct account information was entered.Ok
RT01DeclinedThis account should be returned based on the risk factor being reported.Decline
RT02Reject ItemThis item should be returned based on the risk factor being reported.Ok
RT03Accept With RiskCurrent negative data exists on this account. Accept transaction with risk. (Example: Checking or savings accounts in NSF status, recent returns, or outstanding items).Ok
RT04Non Demand Deposit AccountThis is a Non Demand Deposit Account (post no debits), Credit Card Check, Line of Credit, Home Equity or a Brokerage check.Decline
RT05Accept With RiskRecent negative data exists on this account. Accept transaction with risk. (Example: Checking or savings accounts in NSF status, recent returns, or outstanding items).Ok

ACH Response Code 119 Detailed Code and Descriptions 

ACH Response Code 119 Detailed Code
ACH Response code 119 Detailed Description
Incorrect bank account number
Incorrect transit/routing number
Incorrect transit/routing number and bank account number
Incorrect bank account number and transit code
Incorrect transit/routing number, bank account number and payment code
Invalid routing number
Previously received R02, R03, R04, R20 on this account
Bank account closed
No bank account/unable to locate account
Invalid bank account number
Branch sold to another RDFI
RDFI not qualified to participate
Representative payee deceased or unable to continue in that capacity
Beneficiary or bank account holder deceased
Bank account frozen
Non-payment bank account
Transit routing number check digit error